Knowing Your Worth Inc will be hosting our first teen summit. The summit will be held on June 8th 2019 from 10am-4:00pm at Dunlap Codding 609 W. Sheridan Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73102.
The summit will provide workshops on physical and mental health, maintaining self-esteem, vision boarding, college preparation and career aspirations.
The summit is free for adolescents girls 12-18 years old, and they will receive breakfast, lunch and a KYW swag bag full of goodies.
Registration for the summit is now open. The link is located on the flyer or you can register at
If you have any questions please contact us at or 405-252-0358. We look forward to seeing you at the KYW Summit!! . . . . . . . . . .
#scholarship #highschool #highschoolgirls #okc #okcgirls #nonprofit#knowingyourworth #givingback #nonprofitokc #college #graduation#highschool #highschoolgirls #nonprofitorganization #graduation2019#blackgirlsrock #prom #okcpsgearup #okcpsday1 #okcps #fox25okc#allgirlsrocks 👩🏻👩🏼👩🏽👩🏾👩🏿👑 #teengirls #adolescentgirls #summit#empoweringwomen #empoweringgirls #midwestcityhighschool#midwestcityok #delcityhighschool #delcityok

Knowing Your Worth will also be awarding our first KYW $250 Scholarship to a young lady at the Knowing Your Worth Summit. If you know a young lady who is in need of a scholarship please encouraged her to apply.

In the month of March KYW was able to donate feminine hygiene items to a OKC School. The donations was sent to Esperanza Elementary School. Thank you to everyone who sent in donations for the hygiene drive. Here are a few pictures of the school nurse receiving the items.

The second quarter is going fast, and I hope you all are enjoy it. May is a new month and lets make it great.