Knowing Your Worth, Incorporated is a non-profit 501 (c) 3 organization. Launched in 2017, Knowing Your Worth mission is to uplift young girls, to teach them that they are worthy and to always be respected. Knowing your worth target population is adolescent girls between the ages of 12-18 years in the Oklahoma City Metro Area. Knowing Your Worth will be providing mentorship, workshops, a prom give away and scholarship opportunities to the target population. Knowing Your Worth is here to serve and uplift girls who are in need of guidance and mentoring.
Amber Lane is an Oklahoma City, Oklahoma native. She currently lives in Houston, Texas. Amber is truly passionate about mentoring and helping adolescent girls in the community. Amber has been mentoring since 2007, and she truly enjoys giving back to young females. Amber mentored young girls in high school and in college. Amber has always said, “if she is able to help and change one young girl's life, then her duty was completed.” Amber earned her Bachelor's degree in Social Work at Kentucky State University in 2011. She earned her Master's Degree in Social Work at the University of Louisville in 2015. Amber earned her LMSW (Licensed Masters Social Work) in 2017. Amber was a Licensed Social Worker at Integris Baptist Hospital and a Licensed Clinician at Cedar Ridge Psychiatric Hospital. In 2018, Amber relocated to Houston, Texas. Amber is a Licensed Social Work Counselor at MD Anderson Cancer Hospital. Amber is the Founder and Executive Director of Knowing Your Worth Inc. 501(c) (3). Knowing Your Worth was established in 2017. Amber is hoping that this organization will help uplift many young girls in the Oklahoma City area. Amber is a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated. In Amber's personal time, she enjoys spending time with her husband, son, friends and sorors. Amber also enjoys traveling, eating, shopping and empowering other women.
“ I plan to make a major difference in many girls lives with Knowing your worth organization” -Amber Lane
Knowing Your Worth has a lot in store for the 2019 year.
Applications for our first scholarship to a high school graduating senior will commence. The scholarship will open in February 2019 and close in May 2019.
We will launch our first Project Prom give away. Nominations for the giveaway will open in February 2019 and close in May 2019.
Knowing Your Worth also plans to host a summit in Summer 2019. The summit will have different workshops that will be discussing the importance of health, preparing for college or vocational training, anti-bullying, the importance of relationships with friends, family and significant others and career building.
For more information, please contact Amber Lane, Founder/Executive Director at 405-252-0358, email KnowingYourWorth8@gmail.com or visit the KYW website www.knowingyourworthinc.org.
Also, I would appreciate you commenting below stating what knowing your worth means to you?